Money or currency is one of the most misunderstood ideas.
It used to be that money had an intrinsic value. It contained a specific quantity of a rare earth metal like gold or silver. Even paper money carried a written promise such that the issuer could exchange that banknote for a prescribed amount of gold on demand. This was known as 'specie money'.
However, printed money now carries no such promise. Not since 1971 anyway. It is now known as a 'fiat currency'. That is to say, it has no intrinsic value and its worth can only be determined relativistically with a view to how much of it is in circulation and what demand there is for it.
All sovereign countries now use fiat money. It is printed and issued by 'central banks' like the US Federal reserve or the Bank Of England etc. Of course, these organisation sound very official and they also sound like they are owned by the governments of their host countries. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
They are private banks and they always have been.
The Bank of England was founded in 1694. Even though it was nationalised in 1946, it is still a privately owned company with Directors. This anomaly was formed in 1977 by creating a wholly owned subsidiary company called Bank of England Nominees Limited. This company was granted a special exemption by the Secretary of State for Trade such that it could trade without declaring who the Directors are and using the Official Secrets Act to protect their anonymity. This is wholly unique and a special case when considering the normal legal requirements of The Companies Act.
According to their website, the US Federal Reserve Bank is a government body. However, all of its shareholders (Directors) are private banks. None of its stock is owned by the US government.
These central banks have the ability to print money whenever they see fit. A private company creating money from thin air. They also provide money to their governments in order to make up their revenue shortfall or spending excesses. The government pays interest on these debts. This interests is guaranteed to compound and spiral with time.
The last time the USA balanced its books was in 1835.
A couple of quotes from the past that resonate profoundly today:
Paper money eventually returns to its true intrinsic value - ZERO ! (Voltaire 1694-1778).
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered - (Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826)
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