Various Western governments have introduced stimulus plans. These measures have also been called 'quantitative easing' (QE) among other things but basically they amount to printing money.
The mirage created with QE is that the central banks created electronic money out of thin air and used that to buy their own government's bonds. These bonds are basically IOUs and in time the governments will have to repay those debts to the central banks with interest. When the payments are recovered the central banks will then electronically destroy the imaginary money.
This process of printing money causes a devaluation of the 'fiat currency' due to the laws of supply and demand. If you make more of it, each piece of it is worth less.
As the majority of all money 'exists' only in a digital form, it can also be argued that what is actually being printed is digital debt.
The problem with introducing a stimulus is that you have to maintain that stimulus for a significant period as global markets take time to react to the change in the economic system. By maintaining that stimulus, the system can become dependent on it. This happens when a sick person is treated with stimulus drugs. They can soon become addicted to the stimulus and side effects appear. The side effects can be harmful. Even more harmful than the original disease.
These unorthodox processes are hitherto untried and untested, and it is only because it is mathematicians offering these 'solutions' to governments and banks that any credibility at all can be given to the process.
WARNING !!! These are the same breed of mathematicians that sold the financial services industry the ideas of complex derivatives including 'securitization of mortgages' and 'credit default swaps'. Watch out for Global Banking Crisis II, coming to a town near you soon.
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