Monday, 7 February 2011

SECOND DARK AGE - Reasons to be fearful Part 3

They're closing in at a phenomenal pace now.

Dogma fueled and ideologically regressive, the class and connections based elite ruling class are back in town and it's only taken 6 months or so to get to where we are now.

It is beginning to look like the last 20 years never happened.

All of those little victories culminating in a more understanding if maybe dumbed-down society now being slashed and burned through an 'oxymoron process' of stealth based shock and awe.

Smoke and mirrors. It hasn't taken long to remove the heat from the bankers and financial centres hangers-on to be forgiven or should that be forgotten.

The new demon is the old demon. Blaming previous administrations for ALL of the WORLDS ills. Spinning a web of confusion as the beast lurches from its slumber towards its sociopathic destiny, our social predestination. And all of this occurring while we sleepwalk into our futures of serfdom and systematic bondage.

We have crossed the rubicon without any knowledge of its identity or existence.

What will the resistance look like this time around? Will it even come?

More fearful than 1984, we look backward and see our futures writ large with capital Cs.

Like an intern in a national stargazey pie, we stare expresionless at death and decay in equal measure, caught at the margins of a Venn diagram, squeezed by the perpetual machine, into the void, into the vast expanse that is the 2nd dark age.

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