Wednesday, 9 November 2011

WHO ARE THE ANTI CAPITALISTS ? - And who are the bad guys ?

Regardless of your opinions about the rights or wrongs of the capitalist system, it is the capitalists themselves that are behaving in an anti capitalist manner. Far more so than the so called anti capitalist protesters.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to rig markets and pretend that we are living in a free market system.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to save banks that are to big to fail.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to allow banks to become too big to fail.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to allow banks to create money out of thin air under the cover of the fractional reserve banking system.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to have a shadow banking system that is unregulated and causes other parts of the financial system to behave chaotically.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to have targeted import tariffs and limits.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to set artificially lower interest rates.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to deliberately allow inflation to take off in order to reduce the impact of commercial and sovereign debts.

It's ANTI CAPITALIST to effectively buy your own bonds through a convoluted system of central banks, shadow banks, monetary funds and rescue/stability funds.

Capitalism in its purest form could just work. The trading of goods and services equitably for other goods and services serve many barter only communities well.

Its time to think about just who the anti capitalists are.

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