Thursday, 2 December 2010

Educating Slaves !

The British higher education system has been changed drastically over the last 20 years.

When I was a student, I got a full mandatory grant, a discretionary hardship grant, a book grant and heavily subsidised canteen facilities.

After a very comfortable time at college, I left higher education with a useful qualification that enabled me to be flexible in my career choice, not be tied to a corporations dictatorial mandate and I had no fear of debt.

The last 20 years has seen all the benefits that I received, systematically dismantled. These educational rights have been replaced with a system whereby students are leaving education with massive debts.

The jobs that most of these graduates will end up doing, would have been done by similar people with a couple of 'A' levels 20 years ago.

All that has happened is that the jobs market has been fixed in order that a large percentage of the new working population are being systematically enslaved by debt at the start of their careers; at the start of their adult lives; before they can even think about housing, families etc

During the next phase of this program, employers will bring down graduate wages to a median figure of less than £21,000. The feed in interest repayment taper will become a ceiling for employers to exploit.

Fancy a workforce that's too scared to answer back or question management?
Fancy a workforce enslaved by the fear of their own debts?
Then look no further. Employ a graduate today. Or even better employ a cheaper slave in 3 years time.

It's time to wake up !
It's time to take back control !
It's time to change your destiny !

1 comment:

  1. This is why I am on the streets protesting as much as possible.

    I am linking to your blog from mine.
