Monday, 5 December 2011

ZOMBIE END GAME - The financial undead continue to drag us down.

The disjointed musings of the financial media support groups and the politicians desperation to patch up the emperor's new clothes again, serve notice that the final act has begun.

The banks have sucked the blood from their governments through a series of bailouts.
The governments have sucked away the lives of their peoples through ongoing and expanding programs of austerity.
They have stolen from multiple generations of the unborn through bond issuance and leveraging so called "stability funds".
Financial institutions are stealing from their depositors as they begin to panic at the glimmer of the bottom of the shiny trough.

The managed retreat has begun.
Treaties are hastily being re-written. Doubtless constitutions, bills of rights and human rights legislations will go a similar way.

All areas of the economy have been fatally wounded. And even the most optimistic commentators are now describing the future misery in terms of decades.

It's a zombie paradise.